Monday, April 12, 2010

With this post, I embark on a new adventure...

I never thought I would be a blogger, after all, writing is my least favourite way of expressing myself. A quiet conversation over a cup of coffee is more my speed. But, looking back on my life, there are lots of things I never expected to do, like jump out of an airplane or run a marathon. I was definitely NOT going to homeschool my kids... So I guess I've learned to never say never.

When my older son started Kindergarten, I was sad to see him go. He, on the other hand, loved the adventure of school busses and recess. He had a wonderful teacher, and did very well. I was proud of his accomplishments there, and was pleased that he found some great kids to befriend. Still, as the school year drew to a close, the idea of putting him in school full time did not resonate for me. My fabulous, free-thinking friend kept telling me Isaac was a perfect candidate for a homeschooling life. I shut her down repeatedly. My husband would never go for such a crazy plan...surely. As it turns out, I was wrong.

And is for my fabulous homeschooled boys that I am embarking on this blogging adventure. I hope that one day, they will value this record of our adventures together, and that they will understand what a profound privilege it has been for me to be along for the ride.